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Composition theory

All of the example pictures are ones I have taken.


The rule of thirds is loosely derived from the principle of the Golden Ratio, or the Golden Mean, which is a mathematical algorithm that shows up everywhere in nature. The human body, seashells, leaves, etc. Once you understand it visually, you’ll see it all around you. 

Leading lines are pretty self-explanatory. Any lines or perceived lines that lead to the desired focal point in your image. Leading lines don’t have to be straight (they could be curved), and they don’t always have to be glaringly obvious. Leading lines can be subtle and still produce the desired effect.


Triangles are the strongest shape because any force is evenly spread through all three sides. Take the Egyptian pyramids, or a roof on a

house. They are made of triangles. Subconsciously

our brains associate triangles to strength.






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